Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blast from the Past

I recently was going through some old photos and I came across alot of old goodies that I don't have a virtual record of and wanted to document them for us and the kids in case something were to ever happen to our "old" pics.  Obviously the quality of some of them aren't great, but that's what happens when you scan "ancient" pics ha!  Some are quite embarrassing, big hair, buck teeth and all, but hey...I'm secure in my identity so I can take a few laughs.  Watch it...I am sure you have some too!  

So log on and link up...let's go back in time!  This begins the series BLAST FROM THE PAST!  

This one in the series is me growing up...from 1 year to graduating high school.  

Me at my 1st bday party

Summer of 1981....2 years old

 Gangsta pic...pimpin' in the trucker hat
Sept. 82...3 years old

April 1983...4 years old

6 years old with Mrs. Swatley...she ended up being one of my middle school teachers!

Not sure...maybe 6 years old.  Hangin' with the Ferrell kids

Birthday party not sure which age but look at my beautiful momma!!!

Tim Lovelace on my left and Marisa McGaughey on my right, neighbor Summer McCallen behind me

Jay has a very similar picture at the same age...kinda neat!

Disney World with my family

1st grade maybe...Karis age right now

OH me...the "awkward" stage begins.  I know the big bangs were in but oh my goodness why did we ever think they were cute?!?!  And check out my beaver teeth haha...I got braces the next year!
5th grade

At Houston's in Memphis after our 8th grade graduation with Lisa Wylie (Taylor), Ashley Wallace, and Sherrie Colley (Buchanan).  The styles were lovely ha!

My first dance ever in the 8th grade with Sherrie Colley (Buchanan) and Lisa Wylie (Taylor)

A whole separate post coming from high school because I have so many.  But just to prove those braces paid Senior picture.

More Blast from the Past coming soon...Jay's up next hehe!

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