Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday afternoon

Friday afternoon the weather was perfect and I was having cabin fever so before the kids left, we went outside for a few minutes.  But I had to capture this moment beforehand of Lucy and Ax while watching part of a movie...sweet!

Everett was having tummy time and posing...

This was too funny not to post.  Lucy put her hands down so he could lay his head in her hands and it looks like she is about to catch his spit-up haha!

Unfortunately Landon and Hazel had already left and Trey was out sick so they didn't get to see the cool tractor.  This tractor has been parked outside our house for several days.  It was out cutting limbs off power lines and broke down in the process so we have been waiting on them to pick it up.  Landon especially has looked, talked about and breathed that tractor and I so wanted him to see it.  :(  It was HUGE!

We even got to play on the playground and swing some before momma's came.  :)

It's so good to get out of the house!!!
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy National Coffee Day!

I am not too sure why we have a holiday around coffee although I am a huge fan of it!  I am all about my coffee...maybe I need some more of it today because my energy level is way down.  I can't get in my groove ugh!  I usually have a day like this about once a week where I...just. can't. get. motivated.  The next day I usually pay for it because I have to play catch up for my laziness.

But I have gotten lots of kid cuddles today and I love it.  Axton and Lucy both say to me, "I want a hold you!" :)

OH and speaking of cuddles, this is a conversation me and Lucy had the other day:
Lucy crying...
Me: "Lucy, what is the matter?"
Lucy: "I MAD!"
Me: "Why are you mad?"
Lucy: "I mad at YOU!!!"
Me: "Why Lucy?" (trying not to laugh out loud)
Lucy:  "Because I want to HOLD you!"  
Me: "Well Lucy stop crying and I will hold you silly!"

Here are some pics I have taken over the last few days of the kiddos and will round them all up in one post. Some pics have been taken when other kids had already left so some are missing.   :(

The weather has been so pretty Karis loves to take her "stuff" (and she has a LOT of it believe me...she is my pack rat!) out onto the fort and play.

Everett is into chewing on one or two fingers...beginning of teething maybe?!

Ev and Lucy were both wearing polka dots so I had to take a picture!

Sweet Ax after nap...that is when he gives the BEST cuddles!

Sweet hugs...

We found a caterpillar outside the other day and the kids wanted to keep it.  Lucy called it a snake haha! Look closely on the is small and green.

My (almost) 7 year old...can't believe she will be 7 on Tuesday!

Hugs before school

Karis put Lucy's hair into pigtails the other night after bath and Lucy has wanted them ever since.  Her hair is not really long enough but she wants them anyway.  She keeps saying, "I want pigtails like Sissy!"  She was quite proud of these!

Playtime!  How many toddlers can you get in a play tent?!  LOTS!  Believe me, we've tried!

Brayden went fishing with dad last night and picked a persimmon off the tree and brought it home to eat it...

Karis always has playtime with Everett before she leaves for school...

Axton was "helping" Lucy pick out some of her panties this morning and I turned around to see this....bahaha!  Silly boy!

These kiddos keep me on my toes! :)

Now off to maybe brew some more coffee for this special coffee day.  I have a long night ahead of me...cook dinner, run, bathe kids, get everyone in bed and do my grocery shopping.  My energy better come back in a jiffy!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blast from the Past-High School

High School was a lot of fun for me although college tops the cake.  I had so many wonderful friends in HS from school and from my youth group.  These pics are in no particular order.  Here are just a few memories...

Youth Camp  Panama City Beach, FL
Can't remember the girls name on the left...oops, me, and my buddies Michelle and Alicia

Youth Camp Panama City Beach, FL 1995
Amy Floyd (Pellegra), me, Kristy Raines (Sargeant, and Michelle Hardee (Gilmore)

Kristy, Amy, Michelle and I 1995

Choir trip to Chicago (I think)
Me, Sherri Colley (Buchanan), Robin Stephenson (Gilbert), Stephanie Stark (Cleck), Kim Dotson (Jones), Dana Abernathy (Dobbs)

Youth Camp Panama City Beach, FL 1997

Homecoming Court 1996 Junior Year
Escort Clay Deisher-friend at the time but ended up dating him my senior year for a few months

Junior Prom 1996
L to R: Ashley Walker (McEntire), me with friend Aaron Hardee (he was one of my best friends Michelle's older brother...just a friend), Jessica Douglass (Kelly), Christie Rose (Clenney), and Beth Forehand (don't know her married name)

Me and friend Angie Dunagan (McCoy)

Me and friend Courtnie Stevenson 1997

Senior Homecoming week 1997
Melissa Mitchum (Eschbach), Angie Dunagan (McCoy), and Chrissy Coker (Chandler)

Cheerleading Captain Senior Year 1997

Youth Minister and friend Mike Lovett (we called him Burr)...he ended up marrying Jay and I

Senior Prom 1997 
With high school sweetheart Dustin-dated off and on from the time I was 15 to 18 when I went off to college

Senior Prom 1997
My best friend Michelle and I dated brothers in High School (Jeff and Dustin)

Senior Trip 1997 in Panama City Beach, FL
Misty Key (Williams), Christie Rose (Clenney), can't remember her name...she went to a different high school, me, and Jessica Douglass (Kelly)

FL trip with friends 1998-Chrissy Coker (Chandler)

FL trip
Whitney Faughn (Ingram), me, Christie Rose (Clenney), Chrissy Coker (Chandler)

Me and Whitney

Me and Christie

Although high school was alot of fun, as many of you I am sure, I would do many things differently if I had the chance.  Hindsight's 20/20!
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Disney on Ice

For the 2nd year in a row, Lolli treated us to Disney on Ice and this year Lucy got to come!  She had no idea what to expect except that the princesses were going to be there.  She kept calling it "Princesses on Ice."

Brayden always loves going to the Fed Ex Forum to see the balls they have outside ha!

There is a reason why Karis is "hiding" behind this ball...I'll fill you in in a moment.

Precious came too!

Lolli also let the kids each pick out one toy and Brayden chose this Peter Pan sword!

Karis and Lucy both picked out this Little Mermaid doll...

And Precious chose this Tinker Bell necklace.

Me and my sweet Karis

Sweet friends :)

And from the show!  I think this is our 3rd time to go and it did not disappoint once again!

Ariel, the Little Mermaid

Lilo and Stitch, I have never seen that movie but it was cute.

My mom's best friend Karen "KK" and her son Isaac

Lucy got so into it and I think had more fun than anybody!  She sang, clapped and danced through the whole thing!

Peter Pan was no doubt Brayden's favorite part!

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.  Bye bye Captain Hook!

Afterwards we went to eat at the Spaghetti Warehouse and the kids love eating in the "train."  The food is really good and pretty cheap for kids.

Ok funny story.  Karis and Precious were playing outside before we left and Karis couldn't find the match to one of her flip-flops so she just mismatched them.  She said, "It's ok mom I am just going outside to play it doesn't matter."  I said, "I hope you don't forget to change them before we go!"  "I won't mom!"  

Fast forward-we get downtown and Karis is getting out of the car and Lolli says, "Karis!  You have on TWO different shoes!"  She started crying because she forgot to change them and tried to hide her feet all night long ha!  I bet she won't do that again! :)

Lucy really enjoyed the garlic butter off the rolls ha!

My kids LOVE their Lolli!  And the feeling is more than mutual.  :)

It was a fun night!!!