Friday, March 28, 2008

Prayer Support

I want to share a story with you and then I will explain why. A few years ago Jay went on a trip with the seniors of Longview Heights (the class we were teaching at the time) to Zimbabwe Africa. I was not able to go on that trip because I was pregnant but I did promise to be praying for them while they were gone and was journaling my prayers. One morning the Lord woke me up at 3:00 a.m. randomly and I felt the sudden urgency to pray for this girl that went named Aubrey and so I did and journaled what had happened. The Lord kept me up for about an hour or so and then I went back to sleep. The next day Jay called and said, "Amanda you will never believe what has happened. We were all riding horses today and Aubrey's horse threw her off and she fell off head first. She is ok but doesn't remember anything that happened and we believe she has suffered a mild concussion." Then I proceeded to tell him what the Lord had done in me and as we continued to talk, we discovered that the time that the Lord woke me up was the exact time that the incident had occured. We were both in silence for a few seconds and chills came over my entire body. prayer works and neat that God allowed me to be a part of such a God moment!

Jay and I will be leaving in less than 2 weeks to go to Israel for 11 days and I need your help. I am in the process of develping a prayer team to be praying and journaling while we are gone. I would like to get 11 people to take one day to pray HARD all day for our team. While we are there, we will be helping to develop prayer fliers that others will use in the future to pray for the area while there on missions and we will also be touring the Holy Land. Jay and I have both been to Israel but never together. We are looking forward to getting to serve once again together. Please let me know if you would be willing to be a prayer warrior for us.

"Devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ,...Pray that I may proclaim in clearly as I should." Colossians 4:2-3

I need you to be praying for these things (in no certain order) and however else you feel led..
  1. Our team (13 of us) and unity among us
  2. Jay as he leads the trip
  3. Safety while we are traveling
  4. Our families back home
  5. That we will be an encouragement to the missionaries we will be working with
  6. That we would be an encouragement to our tour guide
  7. Our driver, who we are not sure if he is a believer or not
  8. Gabi (name has been changed for protection)-American Pastor's son in Israel who is in ICU due to receiving a package with a bomb in it that exploded in his face
  9. Opportunities to share the gospel (without being irreverent to the culture); discernment
  10. Our personal walks-that we are walking daily with Him and expecting God will use us humbly and that He will receive ALL GLORY

If you are interested in being apart of our prayer team, please contact us by email at We will let you know what specific day to be praying for us and THANK YOU! Your prayers are coveted!

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