Saturday, March 15, 2008

A few random thoughts...

So Thursday and Friday I kept mom's kids (6 of them) while she was at Faith Walk and the kids had a blast!
Then on Friday we did an Easter Egg Hunt which they also loved. Karis was very sweet and helped all the little ones find eggs.

Today, Saturday, we went to Karis' best friend's 4th birthday party (Strawberry Shortcake). Her name is Mari-Morgan Tillman and her mom is a dear friend of mine also (Paige).

This is Karis, Ellie Potts, and Mari-Morgan Tillman

This is Karis after eating a bright pink cupcake and her teeth are stained pink! I guess she fit in with the party theme (strawberry shortcake).
Brayden got to stay home with daddy today while we went to the party. He is full of himself recently and we are seeing that sin nature coming out frequently. He is growing up and is saying new words all the time. His new ones for this week are "cupcake," "thank you," yes," "Loll-E," "bye-bye daddy," and "hold ju!".

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