Thursday, March 13, 2008

Grace Defined

"Grace is being treated better than we deserve. That's how it is with us in relation to God. We can never treat God with grace. We can never give Him more than He deserves which means that He NEVER owes us thanks. God never says "Thank you" to us. Instead He is always giving us more than what we deserve, and we are ALWAYS owing Him thanks. So the lesson for us is that when we have done all we should do...when we have solved all our church problems, and fixed the attitudes of all Christian people, and mobilized many missions, and loved the poor, and saved marriages, and reared godly children, and kept every promise we've ever made, and fulfilled all business responsibilities, and boldly proclaimed Christ...God owes us NO THANKS. Instead we will at that moment relate to Him as debtors to grace just as we do now."

Pray with me that we would acknowledge that we need Him for everything and nothing that we could do would ever be enough. Pray that HE would receive all the praise, thanks and glory for EVERYTHING that happens and that we would find COMPLETE JOY in just that.

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