Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Day 2008

The Lord is Risen! We enjoyed our Easter Day (our 1 year anniversary of our church) so we had much to celebrate! The devil was working it yesterday knowing that there was much to attack on Easter Sunday. Can anyone else relate??? However the Lord was/is good and we were able to celebrate the Risen King! We started out the day by giving the kids a few surprises (the Easter Bunny doesn't come to our house). Karis' favorite was the doll and Brayden's was of course, lots of balls!

Pics with Mom and Dad on Easter morning

Karis with Mom and Karis with her best friend Mari-Morgan (they pose in the middle of their donut!)

Brayden saying "cheese" while eating his donut! Also after church we went to my grandmother's house (dad's mom) in Bartlett and stopped for a quick pic! Isn't she stunning in her pearls at 80 something?

Karis and her Lolli (and of course her American Girl doll named Josefina) and a pic of her and her great-grandmother Mimi.

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