We have been wanting to go camping with some friends since Spring but was thinking Lucy might do better this Fall. So we put it on the calendar and finally we were able to go. We had actually planned to go Friday night but at the last minute changed our plans to Saturday night because the low at night was going to increase from 44 Friday night to about 60 Saturday night. The kids were beyond pumped about going and I have to say I was pretty excited too. Jay and I went camping with some friends once before we married 9 years ago and we went once in Africa in a National Park but haven't been since or at all with the kids.
We did not have a tent so thanks to the Adkins and the Thompsons, we had tents to borrow for the night. Thank you all so much! We got our tent all set up and kids were beaming!
We camped out on our property down by the camp so we had the best of both worlds. We slept in the tents but were close to a restroom so we wouldn't have to squat ha! Maybe eventually but with a 2 year old, we thought it would be better to break them in softly!
We got out to the campsite about 2 hours before dark so the kids could run and play before it got dark. The weather was beautiful and couldn't have been more perfect (for the evening anyway!).
Jay spent this time getting the fire going....
Jay helped Brandon get their tent set up. They had the Taj Mahal...that thing was HUGE....enough room for at least 8-10 people.
The boys helped get fire wood and to get the fire going....they had a ball with that. What boy doesn't like fire?!
The girls read books and hung out in the tent.
I'd say we have a fire folks!
Where's Brayden?????
We grilled out hot dogs for dinner over the fire...
And then of course we had to do smores....
Silly Brandon!
Brandon and Marybeth
Me and my man
The best marshmallows...burnt to a crisp!
Enjoying smores!
Shocker! Brandon had never had smores before so I had to capture his first smores ever!
The kids played hard and were worn out and in the bed by 9:00. The adults stayed up talking until about 10. I went to sleep for about an hour and woke up because Lucy woke up needing to go to the bathroom. Then I was cold and couldn't go back to sleep until after midnight. I put Lucy in my sleeping bag because I was worried she was cold. We woke up at about 4 a.m. to rain POURING on our tent. I mean in no time, the sky fell out and it was too late to go anywhere. Thankfully our tent was waterproof! I never went back to sleep and about 5 all the kids woke up to the pouring rain and we didn't go back to sleep at that point, any of us. Soon after when the rain died down some, we packed up and went home so we could get ready for church. Even with the rain, it was a very fun camping trip and we can't wait to do it again very soon! :) The kids are already asking when we are going again!!!
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