Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cleaning machine and a restful weekend!

The past few days I have been on a cleaning streak.  Not too sure what has come over me.  Oh yea...I discovered Magic Erasers.  Not really, but kinda.  I did discover them and love them, but the kiddos were going to spend the weekend at Lolli's house so I decided several days prior that I was going to clean beforehand so I could actually sit, relax and enjoy my time without them.  Every momma needs a good break!!!

I ended up with a to-do list to cross off a mile long and enjoyed every single time I got to cross it off ha!  I ended up doing the usual cleaning (bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, windex, laundry, dishes, etc.), but I also moved furniture around and vacuumed, cleaned baseboards with my new found Magic Erasers, de-cluttered, reorganized and more.  AND I enjoyed it gasp!  When I set my mind to something, I have to finish it or I will lose sleep over it.  Seriously...I know.  It's a sickness.  I am not right.

Ok I feel better I admitted that.

Friday night Jay and I went to dinner at Outback with our friends Tabby and Mitch and had a blast.  Those kids will keep ya laughing.  We sat there so long I think our waitress was hinting for us to hit the road.  It was so fun!

Saturday morning Jay and I decided that it's official...we're old!  Saturday with no kids and we decided to go ahead and get up early at our normal time (5:30) so that we wouldn't waste the day away.  We were at at Waffle House by 7:15 and drinking coffee when we realized what we had done ha!  While he went to a conference, I ran 6 miles at the park, grocery shopped, came home and finished crossing off my chore list, took a shower, and made chili for lunch all before noon when Jay got home.  It felt great and then I felt like I could truly enjoy the rest of the day.

Some friends of ours, came over Saturday after lunch and it was great to catch up with the two of them.  Jay and I taught both of these girls as seniors in high school and they are now both married and teaching.  I am so proud of them and the Godly ladies they have become!  Hi Renee and Becca...I know you are reading!  :)

I had time to catch up on my blogging, read, and I even watched a chick flick on Netflix!  Just what the doctor ordered!  I am so thankful for grandparents that give this tired momma a break all while investing time into the grandkids!

1 comment :

  1. So glad you had a great weekend and did a lot of things around the house.

    Have a wonderful week.
