Thursday, July 18, 2013

M Camp

This week was my kids' favorite week of the year...M camp!  Brayden would live there if I would let him he loves it so much.  My kids have grown up going to this camp and have come to know and love the kids and counselors.  They all take such good care of and spoil my kiddos like they are the mascots.  No wonder they love it!!! :)

The famous pinky promise...

 This could explain why Brayden loves it so much ha!

The wonderful camp director Jenny....

K became a pro by the end of the week!

K learned how to back dive this week!

Morning devotion on the dock...

Our buddy Erin....

LOVE LOVE LOVE these counselors!

So grateful for the investment they have made in kids around the city and especially my children!  We LOVE M-Camp!

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