Monday, July 29, 2013

Iphone dump from one long month...

We have been so busy lately it has been hard for me to blog.  It's hard for me to find the time and when I have an hour here and an hour there it isn't enough for me to download all the pics I am behind on which starts a vicious cycle!  But I am determined to get back on track this week even if it takes me a whole day.  I actually dumped my phone for the first time in a month (I NEVER wait that long!) and I had pics from lots of random birthdays, special events, trips etc. that I decided to lump into one or two posts.  I have already posted about these events but wanted to add the phone pics too.

For Brayden's birthday (at the end of June) we went to Skyzone...

And the next night we went out to eat with my parents at Benihana's....

Brayden tried octopus for the first time on his 7th bday!  I have never even tried it!

Balloon surprise prep for the birthday boy...

 Camp phone pictures...

Brayden won the boy girl challenge one day for putting on a frozen tshirt first!  :)

Camp devotional time at the lake...

B School at our fellowship...

Pics from our trip to Central Asia...

 Jay and I spent an entire night (12 hours) sitting/sleeping in this Starbucks...

I read four books on our trip....

This coffee was SOOOOO strong!

Hot tea...all day long!

 I took this the night we spent the night in Atlanta...

Loved getting to spend all that time even in the airport with my man...

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