Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wedding weekend in Chattanooga for a very dear friend

Back when Melinda was very young, she had three children that she selflessly gave up to foster care/adoption knowing that she couldn't give them the life that they deserved.  Those three children (Queen, Lee and Tate) ended up in our home in foster care (and Queen was the flower girl in my wedding) for a while until they were later adopted by a family and their names were changed to Emily, Nick and Timmy.  Those three children we have kept in very close contact with over the years and still come to my moms house at least once a month or so for the weekend.  We consider them family and they still call me "sissy."  Well over the years we have also kept in touch with their birth mother, Melinda, and have seen her grow up from an immature teenager to a very mature, responsible adult.  She is very special to our family and we consider her family as well.

Well, Melinda got married this weekend and Brayden was asked to be the ring bearer.  He was so excited since he has never gotten the chance to be in a wedding and Karis has been in several.  Mom and I and the kids packed up and headed East for the festivities and were excited to be a part of her special day!

Mom and I tried bidding on for the first time and got a $169 hotel for $69!  We were so excited!

The kids were very pumped about the indoor pool/hot tub that we saw online but once we got there found out the week before they had gotten rid of their hot tub and the pool was FREEZING!  They were kinda disappointed in that.

 Friday night we went out to eat with Melinda, her fiance' Joe and her mom Pam and then they came back to our hotel to bring us Brayden's tux.

Saturday morning we took it easy, tried the pool again (failure again it was still freezing) and then got ready for a 2:00 wedding.  We took some pics in the hotel lobby before we left.

We went by Chick-fil-a to grab lunch before we got to the wedding and we found out it had opened 2 days before so they had some fun things going on including the cow...

 Brayden looked very handsome in his tux and I was soooo proud of him!

The groom waiting on his bride...

My boy doing soooo good!

He "pinned" her with his military badge...

Brayden LOVES pocket knives and the couple was sweet to give him an engraved knife with his name on it.  He was soooo proud of it!

 Later that afternoon we went back to the hotel to rest a little and then went to a place that was recommended to us called Taco Mac.  It was delicious and probably my favorite restaurant while we were there. 

We took the kids to a playground later on to get their energy out and then went back and crashed!

Sunday morning we went to the City Cafe Diner that was also highly recommended to us for breakfast and it was good but kinda pricey we thought for an upscale Waffle House.  Although we didn't try any (since we were eating for breakfast), the desserts looked impressive!

It was a great weekend!  It was fun to get away from home for a few days and we were thankful to be a part of Melinda's special day!

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