Thursday, February 28, 2013


Lucy has become so prissy these days and is soooo concerned about her outfits and matching and jewelry and headbands.  Karis was never concerned too much about all this but seriously first thing in the morning, Lucy is already picking out her outfit and matching her headband to it.  It's quite funny!

 Love these three!

They are taking over!

Brayden made this for me in his art class....

This has been our prayer lately....

Love getting referral rewards!

I was so convicted by this verse below.  The night before I read this I was laying in bed and Jay and I were talking.  I was telling him I was craving restaurant food and I was tired of eating the same 'ole stuff here.  Then I read this verse and was soooo convicted.  The LORD spoke directly to me on this one.  There was another verse that I didn't take a pic of too that I read about the Israelites complaining about manna and wanting meat.  God gave them so much meat it made them nauseous!

Early mornings demand REAL coffee, in which I only have when it was necessary.  It was necessary.

The other night after we got home from Walmart the kids helped me unload the tp.  Tower of tp anyone?!

The ongoing mystery at our house...

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