Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lots of SNOW pics...

Today has been such a fun day with the family!  We ALL slept in which was so nice, ate some chocolate chip muffins, coffee/hot chocolate, watched tv and just relaxed.  OH and Karis pulled another tooth (post coming soon).  The snow was gorgeous to wake up to and it sparkled when the sun hit it.  My friend put this on her FB status this morning and it is so true, "I don't think it's any mistake that sometimes God allows us to see a blanket of pure white covering His creation."

This pretty redbird didn't know what to do with all the snow but it sure was pretty!

The kids and I were amazed at all the icicles we had around the house.  Lucy called them i-cles and we even ate a few!

 We ended up having 4.5 inches and it was so pretty.  It wasn't long and the sun started to melt it so right after lunch we bundled up and headed out.

Karis loved eating it of course and wanted to sled so bad but there was so much snow, it was hard to sled in.  :(

He was hugging/helping her because she was having a hard time walking in it because it was so deep.

 Lucy attempted to eat it too but couldn't function with those big gloves on haha.

So I attempted the baby sled and she liked it as long as it was moving haha.

Snow angel...

I think this is my fav pic of the day...

There is never to much snow to ride your bike right???

We went on a walk through our property and everything looked so pretty!  This is the pool...

I love this little cross.

The lake was partially frozen...

Eating "i-cles" as Lucy called them.

This is how Lucy felt when we came in....

And I felt that way too when I saw this....

And guess what?  It is still laying there.  I am enjoying my off day with my family.  During nap/rest time, the hubs and I have watched the series finale of Friday Night Lights, which is our fav show.  Sniff's hard to say goodbye to Dillon, TX.  We also watched the Mubarak speech in Cairo...he is not stepping down and it is about to get U-G-L-Y there.  

I love snow/pj days with my family!  I am wondering...will we have school tomorrow???

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