Karis came home from school telling us all about Abraham Lincoln. She is into writing her own sentences lately and in the car she said, "Mom how many sentences do you want me to write about Abraham Lincoln?" I said five and she exceeded my expectations!
Try translating this bad boy...it took us a while. I will translate for you, you're welcome.
Did you know Abraham Lincoln....
- He got shot at a play.
- He od his on storer. (He owned his own store.)
- He is yoosnley on a five dolr bil. (He is usually on a five dollar bill.)
- He is yoosnley on a piney. (He is usually on a penny.)
- He wed a black hat. (He weared a black hat.)
- He live in a has mad at of logs. (He lived in a house made of logs.)
- He has a black hat.
- He wus a fames giy. (He was a famous guy.)
if u like it thin you put one pireyid. (If you like it put a one thin a period.)
There you go...all you need to know about good 'ole Abe Lincoln!
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