Sunday, June 7, 2009

Six years of wedded bliss...

Today my hubby and I celebrate 6 wonderful years of marriage.  As I think back on this day 6 years ago, I knew I was marrying my soulmate and now 6 years later, my love for him is much greater than I thought possible 6 years ago on our wedding day.  Jay is my best friend more than anything and life wouldn't be the same without him!

We celebrated our anniversary Saturday night while Lolli watched the kids.  It was our first official time to be away from Lucy (other than going to church one time) so it was bitter sweet but I had a blast with my sweet hubby.  We went to Firebirds (where my brother was our waiter) and then went to see a movie.  It was nice to get to have adult conversation without having to fill a cup, cut up food, change a diaper, take someone to the potty, etc.  And to add to the wonderful evening...we got finished with our dinner and found out that my cousin who was also in the restaurant, had paid for our dinner!  What a blessing!  We were so thankful!  

Jay I love you babe and look forward to many more wonderful years and growing old and gray together.  :)

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