Monday, June 22, 2009

An incredible reunion

Without too many details, Jay's dad and granddad haven't seen each other in 18 years and haven't spoken in 10. Pawpaw (Jay's granddad) didn't even know Larry was coming to see us until Jay called him on Father's Day and told him that his son was at our house and was coming to see him the next day. Let's just say he was speechless! I stayed home and kept Brayden and Lucy so I was not there but would have given anything to experience such a neat moment. Jay knew how important it was to me to have pics so he was so sweet to take some for me....and he did a great job!!!

Reunion between father and son after 18 years of not seeing one another...

Jay's cousin Allison, Valerie, Karis, Kaitlyn, Grace (Jay's grandmother), and Jay's Aunt Amy

Allison, Karis, Valerie and Kaitlyn

Jay with the girls

Top to bottom left to right: Jay's uncle Chip, Pawpaw, Larry (Jay's dad), Jay, Kaitlyn, Allison, Karis and Jay's sister Valerie

The Lemonds' clan again

My sweetie

Pawpaw and Grace with the girls

Pawpaw and Valerie

Brayden, Lucy and I went to the pool today while everyone else went to see Pawpaw. Our friends Rachel and kids, and Lori and Emma Kate joined us today as well as Lolli. It was a great day and SHOCKER...I have NO PICTURES. I sent the camera with Jay so I couldn't capture any of the fun moments today. Lucy got in the pool for the first time and my sweet friend Lori took a pic for me so I will get that later.

We grilled out tonight and I captured a few of our hang out time..

Pap and Roxy

Pap and Roxy with Karis and Brayden

The Lemonds family (except Lucy...she was sleeping)
It was a great positive day! Thank you Jesus.

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