Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Baby Jake is here!

UPDATED: Wednesday 8:35 a.m.  

Jake Wyatt was born Wednesday morning at 3:23 weighing in at 7 lbs. 9 oz. and measuring 21 1/2 inches long.  Mom and Jake are both doing great other than mom being exhausted from carrying Jake 41.5 weeks!   He is so precious!  This picture was taken about an hour and a half after being born.

Proud daddy and sweet!  Todd is such a natural!

Baby Lucy and Jake were due 3 days apart so she had to stay at the hospital with mommy to meet her boyfriend Jake!  Paige, Mary Beth and I pulled an all nighter at the hospital until we got to see Jake this a.m. about 5:00.  I came home to sleep about 2 hours and now am up for the day.  I am surviving on coffee right now but in a few hours I am going to be SORRY for acting like a teenager and staying up all night!  But it sure was fun!  Lucy did great and snoozed right through her first slumber party...


Tuesday 2:50 p.m.    My dear friend Jennifer from church who was due 3 days after me is in labor right now!  Her water broke this morning and she is just waiting on baby Jake to make his arrival!  I went up to the hospital earlier and she wasn't progressing so me and the kids came home to take naps and can't wait to go later tonight to see them and meet Jake...I will keep you updated!

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