Friday, April 4, 2008

Oprah and her beliefs

I was sent this link by my mother-in-law recently and Jay and I are both shocked at the "lostness" of this woman.  It has brought a new shock to my system that there are truly people beyond my "realm of friends" that truly don't believe or have a relationship with Christ!  I will confess that I highly disagree with Oprah and will not be conformed to her belief system.  There is ONLY ONE GOD and his name is Jesus Christ and without BELIEF, you can not truly know HIM.  You will be shocked!  It makes me mad to some degree and then I realize that this woman is lost and she needs to know the joy and peace that I know and it is only through Christ that it can be found.  Take the advice at the end of the video..."Christians, turn off the tv, and PRAY!"

1 comment :

  1. So sad! We must continue to take a stand and share our faith...that Jesus is the only way! It's His blood that covers our sin. Thank you for sharing this Amanda. More people need to be aware and recognize how the Truth is being twisted. I am praying!
