Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A few random thoughts...

Nothing major to post although I do have some very random and various things on my mind tonight.....

1. Jay and I are watching American Idol and we love David Archuleta! He is such a cutie I just want to pinch his cheeks! His voice is amazing and we want him to win!!!!

2. I spent most of my evening tonight at the doctor AGAIN with the kiddos. Last Wednesday night, Karis got a virus and had fever for several days and still has the yucky nose, cough, etc. Then Sunday night Brayden had a 103 fever but then it went away. He woke up this morning with another fever...the virus and congestion led to an ear infection!!! I am so ready for my children to get better. On a happy note, they have been so much fun lately despite the sicknesses. Brayden is talking all the time and saying 3-5 new words a day. Karis is such a little lady and growing up way too fast!

3. I have been following an awesome blog called Confession of a CF Husband. It is about a girl with Cystic Fibrosis and was getting ready for a lung transplant when she found out she was pregnant. Despite what the doctors said, they went through with the pregnancy and had many complications but the baby was born and is growing steadily. TONIGHT as I am typing this, the mother is in surgery getting her long awaited lung transplant. Please pray for her and follow her story. It is amazing!

4. I am going, along with a bunch of ladies from church, to Women of Faith this weekend in Little Rock. I am so excited about the conference and just getting to hang out with the ladies (with no kids). Jay will be staying at home with the kids! :)

5. The Lord has been showing me so much about himself through the book of John. This week I have been studying John 18 when Jesus is officially arrested and he is literally hours from his death. It is so neat to see the providential hand of God in all the happenings before the cross. I have developed such an appreciation for all that Christ endured the days and weeks before the crucifixion. The timing on this is neat because I am leaving to go to Israel in 8 days, which leads me to my final thought....

6. JAY AND I AM LEAVING FOR ISRAEL IN 8 DAYS!!!! I have a ton to do before we leave and I am not emotionally prepared for this yet. It has crept up on me and it is very hard for me to leave the kids behind for 11 days. I am thankful to our parents for tag-teaming the kids this go round. Karis and Brayden will have the time of their lives and probably won't miss us, but we will miss them!!! However I am very excited about getting to serve with my husband on this trip as he leads. Please continue to pray for our trip. See earlier post for specific prayer requests and I will be contacting several of you in the next day or two about being a part of our prayer team. Thank you!!!

1 comment :

  1. I can totally relate to the "wanting to pinch" David A's cheeks - he has the cutest little personality.

    Also - Israel!! How cool!!!
