Monday, April 28, 2008

Laid to Rest

Yes, it is a sad day in the Lemonds' more Duke ball, Andy Griffith or Dog Whisperer! We said goodbye today and Jay really wanted to have a ceremony...such a tragedy. We said goodbye to....DIRECTV!!!!

In all seriousness, Jay and I have decided to cut off our directv (and will be effective as of 12 midnight tonight) for multiple reasons. We have felt convicted for a long time about how wisely we spend our time. We have come to the conclusion that TV plays a bigger role than it should and honestly there is not one good thing about it. Although we don't watch anything "bad," TV (for us) is not good for several reasons:
1. It takes so much time away from quality family time. How much closer do you get to someone while both staring at the tube???
2. Instead of watching tv, what else could we accomplish? Read a book, take the kids to the park, exercise (much needed for both of us), memorize some scripture, etc. All are more beneficial than watching tv.
3. TV has so much influence of the world, and none of which has eternal impact. So technically it is just a waste of time.
4 Although this isn't the reason, it will save us $80 a month so that we can apply that to debt.
5. We want to teach our children that tv is not the only form of entertainment. I want my children to grow up playing outside, using their imagination, reading books, etc. and not thinking that you always have to sit and watch tv for fun. Cartoons all day can't do much for the brain cells! There are many biblical principles I am responsible for teaching my children and I want to be diligent in them. To teach my children to love the Lord and revere the WORD is my ultimate goal as a parent. I will be held accountable for these things.

We decided this a while back and decided to wait (per Jay's request) until the end of March Madness..haha. So we knew that coming back from Israel would be a good transition time and today was the day. In fact we haven't turned on the tv (except to check weather once or twice) since we returned. I will say that there is freedom in it. We have spent alot more time together and our relationships are better. And this is the goal for our family...that we all would glorify Christ in our lives and for now, this means sacrificing something that could be an idol.

"Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial." I Corinthians 6:12

By the way, we do not feel as if everyone should do this. It is our own personal convictions. However what in your life is PERMISSIBLE but not BENEFICIAL? Is it most beneficial to the kingdom or has it become an idol to you? Consider these things and allow the Lord to speak to you through His word.


  1. As a gal who grew up without cable, I think it is a great idea & I applaud you guys! Believe it or not, it is do-able because I did not have cable until I got to Union. I thought I hit the jackpot at UU. They won't miss it if they don't know about it anyway! Good luck!

  2. Great choice! We don't have cable either and haven't since we got married! I let Macie watch cartoons/movie for a total of one hour a day usually. 30 min in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. In her daily schedule we call this her "movie" time! It is amazing how reliant you can become on TV and we didn't want that for our family either!
