Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 Year End Review

Looking back at 2018 brings tears to my eyes at how good and faithful the Lord has been to us.  We have gone through so much transition over the past year and it is amazing to look back and see how much we have grown!

Just to recap....end of 2017 we had just resigned from a job overseas that we loved and took a step of faith and Jay took a job at Faith Baptist in Bartlett.  The kids finished a homeschool year, we moved to a rental house a month later, went to Ghana in summer of 2018, the kids tested in and transitioned into public school in the Fall, got our first puppy, Jay traveled to Brazil, Brayden transitioned to the youth group, Karis got braces, and Amanda started the process to reinstate teaching license.  We also got to experience many birthday and holidays in the States with family which we will never take for granted again. The Lord gave us so many new friends within our church family which was so needed!

We end 2018 with a full heart!

Take a look at the top 100 events from 2018.....


January 2-Daddy starts his new job as the Missions Pastor at Faith Baptist Church


January 15-We went to see one of our favorite movies.

January 26th-Lucy donates hair to Locks of Love.


February 5th-We moved into a new rental home.  It was a huge transition of the apartments, both good and bad.  We had lots more room but it was harder on the kids without their friends coming to the door every day.  But I love having our new home!

February 15th-We said goodbye to our cousins because they were moving to New York City.

February 23-Karis goes to Ember (turning point for her and friendships).

February 25th-Lucy gets baptized by Daddy after accepting Jesus on Thanksgiving night of 2017.


March 9th-We saw Big Daddy Weave in concert and met them afterwards!

March 17-got to see our friends the Potts!

March 15-Celebrated Mari-Morgan's birthday!

March 19th-Went on a field trip to the Civil Rights Museum.

March 30-Hosted a seder meal for our friends.


April 1-Easter 2018

Lucy's teacher Mrs. Margaret passed away suddenly.  This was very hard on Lucy.

April 6th-Father/Daughter dinner at church

April 8th-Brayden competed in the area wide Bible Drill and promoted to State Bible Drill.

April 12-We got our very first puppy DUKE!  We are so in love!

April 28-Brayden competed in preliminary Bible Drill!

April 14th-Mother/Son Game Day

April 18-We spent a few days at cousin Amy's lake house.

April 28-Brayden got Superior in the State Bible Drill!

Brayden started playing baseball for Faith.

Week of April 29-Went to Florida with Nonnie


May 10-Lucy turns NINE!

May 13-Mother's Day 2018

Lucy and Brayden were a part of the Church Kids Musical!

Last day of homeschool before summer break!!!!
Karis completed 7th
Brayden completed 5th
Lucy completed 3rd 


June 7-Jay and I celebrated our 15th anniversary!

June 13-VBS Week 

June 16-Father's Day 2018

June 22-Karis gets braces!

June 27-Brayden turns TWELVE!


July 1-Had fireworks at Buckhead with our church family

July 2-Karis, Jay and I went to Ghana, Africa on a 10 day mission trip.

July 17th-Lucy and Brayden go to Children's Camp (Brayden for the last time)

July 27th-Amanda celebrates her 39th birthday!

July 29th-visit with Nana 2 and Pap

July 30th-We went to Magic Kingdom for the day!!!!


August 3rd-Went to Shelby Forest with the fam and the kids pet an owl for the first time.

August 9th-We surprised Lolli for her birthday!

August 12th-Promotion Sunday at church.  Brayden moves into the youth group!

August 13th-First day of public school.  This was a HUGE transition for everybody and what started off as smiles were tears by the end of the day.  It took some a few days and some a few weeks to get used to the transition.

3rd day of school-Lucy's first day to ride the school bus.  She was so brave!

August 18th-Nana 2 comes to Memphis to visit!

August 26th-Nana 2 visits our church....

August 31st-Brayden and Karis go to their first middle school dance.


September 8th-The kids go to the fair with Lolli and friends.

September 11th-Brayden gets his first guitar.

September 14th-Daddy goes to Brazil for 2 weeks.

September 26th-The kids first See You at the Pole.

September 29th-We love Memphis Prayer walk


October 4th-Karis turns FOURTEEN!

October 11-The fam goes camping!

October 13th-Karis and Mom go to the School of Rock at the Orpheum (Karis' first time to the Orpheum).

October 18th-Mom helps with the Oak Book Fair.

October 21st

October 22nd-Brayden plays soccer for Faith!

October 24th-Youth Halloween skate night

October 27th-soccer

October 27th-Connect Group Fall Party

October 31st-Fall Festival/Trick-or-treating  with friends


November 2nd-Oak Ram Run with Lucy

November 3rd-Operation Christmas Child party

November 3rd-Compassion Experience

November 4th-Small Group party

November 8th-Good Report Card Celebration with ice cream!

 November 10th-Orphan Run 5K (Jay gets 3rd place metal)

November 15th-Karis on Homecoming Court

November 21st-Thanksgiving in Corinth

November 30-Mother Daughter Craft Night


December 1st-Oak's float at the Bartlett Christmas Parade 

December 7th-Connect Group Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

December 8th-Lucy and Brayden participated in the Christmas musical

December 13th-Lucy performs a dance at Appling Middle School's halftime

December 14th-Karis and Brayden's 1st middle school formal dance

December 15th-Lucy's gymnastics Olympic Day

December 18th-Lucy's 3rd grade Christmas show at school

December 18th-Jay turns 43!

December 19th-Lucy's Christmas party at school

December 19th-Faith NextGen Christmas Party

December 21st-Christmas in Corinth

December 24th-Christmas Eve Candlelight service @Faith

December 24th-Christmas Eve night

December 25th-Christmas morning!

December 25th-Christmas evening with the cousins at Lolli and Pop's house

December 29th-Day at Shelby Farms

December 31st-New Years Eve with Friends

December 31st-Karis spends first New Years Eve away from us....praying with her friends!

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