Looking back at 2018 brings tears to my eyes at how good and faithful the Lord has been to us. We have gone through so much transition over the past year and it is amazing to look back and see how much we have grown!
Just to recap....end of 2017 we had just resigned from a job overseas that we loved and took a step of faith and Jay took a job at Faith Baptist in Bartlett. The kids finished a homeschool year, we moved to a rental house a month later, went to Ghana in summer of 2018, the kids tested in and transitioned into public school in the Fall, got our first puppy, Jay traveled to Brazil, Brayden transitioned to the youth group, Karis got braces, and Amanda started the process to reinstate teaching license. We also got to experience many birthday and holidays in the States with family which we will never take for granted again. The Lord gave us so many new friends within our church family which was so needed!
We end 2018 with a full heart!
Take a look at the top 100 events from 2018.....
January 2-Daddy starts his new job as the Missions Pastor at Faith Baptist Church