Saturday, April 30, 2016

Fingerprint pottery

Our friends came over the other day and brought us the most amazing gift.  They are potters/artists and brought us a personalized gift for us to fingerprint together.  It was amazing and seriously brought tears to my eyes!

Then it went to the kiln and came out beautiful!

She also gave this hand painted necklace because I said I liked it.  How sweet!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Happy Children's Day 2016!

Today is a national holiday called Children's Day and Lucy's class performed in the school program.  She has been looking forward to this for weeks and been preparing with the class on the dance that they would perform.  She could hardly sleep last night she was so excited!!!

This is one of Lucy's best friends in her class.

So proud of my girl for being so brave and learning a second language.  She has done so well this year adapting and making friends and being willing to try things that are different and difficult for her.

Life April 2016

I love Spring here for so many reasons…partially because of the warm weather and flowers and hardly any bugs.  The best of spring without the worst!

Thanks Roxy for the package!

Study time!

Brayden doing what he loves!



These huge flowers are one of the city's centerpieces.  We can't NOT take a pic ha!

So we went to buy fish this week at a pet store and this happened...

New coffee shop...

We see these salesmen every day.  Pretty talented!

This is a local dish and super cheap...

Our street….

My happy place when it is warm outside...

Our street….

The mom life watching Brayden play soccer!

The tulips are dying off but the roses are coming!

This is sometimes typical when we go places.   Everyone wants to practice their English and want to know where we are from.  I heard these girls for about 20 minutes talking about me before they ever got the courage to speak to me.  Then I couldn't hush them ha!