Friday, November 14, 2014

Emergency Surgery

Well I certainly didn't expect to spend this past week as I did.  On Friday, November 14, 2014 I woke up feeling fine, got Karis off to school, took a shower and then immediately started having bad stomach pains on my right side.  They got pretty bad and I soon was immobilized on my bed for a time and it scared me. I  called Jay home (he had already left for work) and we called a friend and headed to the emergency room for what we thought was appendicitis.  We saw a doctor within the hour and he confirmed it looked like my appendix and said I needed to have surgery within the hour.  What?!  

I was scared but ready to find some answers to the medical issues I have been having for months.  I was ready to get it over with.  

Surgery is scary but communicating about surgery in a different language was a whole new ball game!  I was laying on the operating table and the men around me were asking me in the local language, "Do you want us to put you to sleep or just numb you?"  I was terrified.  How was I suppose to know what I needed?  I had never had this surgery before!!!  I managed to tell them I didn't want to be put to sleep so I got a spinal (same as a c-section…done that 3 times before).  But at the end i started getting sick to my stomach and they gave me some sleeping gas.  Within an hour I was back in the room but was out of it and don't remember much for that night except I felt lots of pain!  They were only giving me basically tylenol and only 2 times a day.  I was HURTING and begging for pain meds.  The first 24 hours were rough but then it got better after that.  I ended up staying 4 days in the hospital and was sooooo glad when they finally let me go home.  I got so bored in that room for 4 days!

My sweet kiddos made me some signs to hang up in my hospital room….

Ready to bust up out of this place!!!

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