Saturday, January 25, 2014

Finding the new normal...

We are settling in a little and exploring out a little further.  We spent a lot of this past week putting all of our furniture together and getting things organized.

We found the cutest little quaint coffee shop in the shopping center by our house and although it was very expensive, it was fun to visit!

The mall across the street from our apartment...very thankful for so much around us in walking distance!

Karis found the school supply aisle and was THRILLED!!!  She was on cloud nine!

Walking back to our apartment...

Karis' first new friend...although language was a barrier, it didn't keep the girls from playing for THREE hours and have played almost every day since.  She lives right across the hall from us and has a brother B's age!

The view of the city outside from one of our 2 balconies....

Waiting ALL day trying to get our residencies...

I hosted my first tea in my home with national ladies and I was so excited!  Hoping for lots more to come!

The kids spent some of their Christmas money and bought new roller blades.  Lucy bought a baby instead but enjoyed wearing brother's for a few.

The things you do without a car...push this cart with a tv from the mall all the way home.  Yes we got lots of stares and yes we returned the cart.

My Father is teaching me so much about relying on Him...

Just a sneak peek of our new home...more pics to come when it is all finished.  It is a constant work in progress...hoping to finish soon!

More grocery shopping...adventures!

New friends we met at the park...we call them the "Karis posse!"

We are loving our new home!


  1. Glad to see you guys are settling in! Can't wait to read posts and your newsletter. Thinking of you guys.


  2. So happy to see you again. Beautiful country. Wishing the best for you guys. Can't wait to read more about how life is there.
