Friday, March 9, 2012

Pics from Jay's INDIA trip

As I mentioned last week, while I was doing Home Makeover Lemonds edition haha(see posts new paint here, kitchen renovations here, bedroom re-do surprise here, and living room changes here), Jay was in India for 10 days!  We missed him terribly and are glad he is home! 

I wasn't there with him obviously so I don't know a lot of the stories behind the pics but I did steal them so you could see where he spent his week away from us!  And I am curious and love to see how others live, especially cross-culturally so this gives you a sneak peek into life in India.

The Paradise Hotel they stayed in....

A national's home....



Jay in front of one of their churches...

The guys doing a training (love the braid on the lady in the middle so beautiful!)...

 The guys with one of the pastors....

Funny story...these guys asked Jay's team to pray over this open area where they would have a big convention the next day.   They did of course, but the Indians told Jay's team they were in "street dress" (jeans and polos) and that they needed to get some "party wear!" (what the guys have on suits of sort) haha!

Traffic and driving in general is CRAZY there.  Road are treacherous and there are literally NO road rules.  I was most concerned about their safety on the roads and Jay knew that.  He intentionally did not tell me that they got in a wreck one day in this vehicle below and the glass window shattered all over them.  Thankfully no one was hurt!

Local market....

The people are beautiful but the children just melt my heart!

Rice field....

"He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Luke 10:2

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