Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our weekend

Friday night we had Family Fun Friday and it was a great way to start the weekend.  

Saturday morning we had a lazy morning then at lunch we went over to a local apartment complex and helped out our church put on a block party for a Bible study some of our members have started in the complex.  The weather was BEAUTIFUL and couldn't have been more perfect for it.  We grilled out and had lots of games and things for the kids.  We got to meet lots of people from the community and it was a great ministry opportunity and it was fun too!  Here are some pics from our day...


We left the block party and drove to Lolli's house for a birthday celebration for Jay, my sis-in-law Tiff and my brother Allen's birthdays. Our family has gotten so big and busy that we can't seem to get together for everyone's actual birthday anymore.  But the time together is always fun regardless of when it is.  :)

Sunday is my brother Allen's actual he turns 24!  Happy Birthday Allen!  Hope you have a great day and it is a special one for you!

After church today Mari-Morgan came over and the kids played all afternoon.  They were so good and I was able to get the whole house cleaned, laundry done and enjoyed some quiet time with my candle lit and coffee in hand...pure bliss (even if it was just for a few minutes ha!).

The kids had Splash tonight at church and since we have small groups on Wednesday nights, Jay and I had the night off kid free so we went to dinner together at Texas Roadhouse.  It was great food but even better company.  I sure do enjoy my hubs.  :)

It was a great weekend and we are gearing down for an extremely busy week ahead.  We have something everyday this week so there is no rest for the weary, but it's all good.  I am counting my blessings today.  

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