For some reason I just can't seem to get back into my routines. Blogging has taken a backseat lately as I have seemed to just be "busier" than normal. We have also had some much bigger fish to fry per se the last few weeks and higher priorities have taken a front seat. However hopefully very soon things will be back to normal. :)
This post is gonna be so random because I am behind on blogging so I will do my best to keep it all from sounding jumbled up.
Karis came home with her report card this week from last semester and we were so proud she got all A's and one B! Comprehension has really been tough on her this year with all the new requirements but she worked really hard and her hard work paid off!
I took this the other night when Lucy was eating her "bedtime snack," which my kids think is necessary for survival, and had on her new coat Lolli got for her. It looked funny seeing her sit there eating a popsicle in her pj's and winter jacket ha!
I have made several new recipes this week and have enjoyed most of them. Our family's favorite restaurant is no doubt Kyoto, or any Japanese steakhouse. The kids love the food and so do Jay and I. Karis especially loves the onion/mushroom soup (not sure the official name for it...miso soup maybe?) However I found some "Kyoto" recipes on Pinterest and thought I would make a meal of them. Here is the soup before cooking, very easy and it was a hit! You can find the original recipe here.
Oh and you can find the fried rice recipe here...also yummy although didn't taste exactly like Kyotos.
Lucy came to me the other day with this baby in bed and told me her baby had had "section". I don't know if she meant "c-section" or "surgery" because I am sure she has heard me say both numerous times (I had 3 c-sections) but either way I laughed so hard.
When I was cooking the other night, I tried out one of the ideas I got off of Pinterest. Cut up your green onions and put them in a water bottle and freeze them until you need them then just shake them out! Worked great! No more green onions going bad in this house!
This has been a fun week for my babies....alot of firsts for them. Everett started crawling officially, got his 2 first teeth one right after the other, starting waving bye-bye and got his first hair cut and Hazel cut her first tooth on top, said "Mom-ma", started clapping and waving bye-bye, and had her first emergency room vist (thankful she was ok!).
These three are being their sweet selves along with a few moments of "terrible twos" haha!
Landon's new thing is to "roar" at everyone...makes me laugh.
Not sure if this look was a "look" or a "stare" haha!
Sweet Trey...he and Brayden have played so well together lately and are really enjoying playing with one another.
It barely snowed one day this week and we weren't really expecting it. It just flurried for a while and nothing stuck (and the sun was out!), but it sure was fun while it lasted. It has been a weird winter so far, exceptionally warm on days.
I have been following this certain blog for a while now and I read this post and it put me in organizational heaven. Seriously I can't stop thinking about it and wanting to re-do/re-organize my whole house. LOVE. IT! Check it out HERE and please do so, you won't be sorry!
Here are a few videos I took this week too...
Brayden breakdancing
Lucy shaking her hair like Justin Beiber
Cool video
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