Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jay's 36th Birthday

We spent Jay's 36th birthday with his family in Corinth and it is the first time in a long time he has gotten to be with his family on his birthday.  His mom cooked him (and us) a big breakfast...biscuits and gravy, eggs, grits and bacon.  It was so good to share the day with them.

Jay opening round 1 of presents...

Me and hubs on his 36th birthday...

My sweet family ;)

We went over to Grandmothers for round 2...

We had been trying to teach Lucy all morning how to just hold up 2 fingers and she had just done it for the first time.  She is TWO!

Cake time!

So thankful for my sweet hubby and what he means to me and the kids.  He is truly my best friend and my life partner.  I wouldn't want to do life with anybody else!  

I love you babe!  Hope you had a great bday!

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