Friday, December 30, 2011

Bandages and Bowling

This morning started off leisurely as we slept in and the kids and I watched most of the movie Enchanted on the iPad before we ever even got up for coffee.  Then we got up, showered and were fixing breakfast when I kept hearing Lucy whine downstairs.  The kids had been downstairs putting puzzles together on the  pool table but when I heard her whining, I went downstairs to check on them.  I asked Karis since she was down there, "What is wrong with Lucy?"  She replied, "I don't know she keeps laying on that air mattress and crying saying her arm hurts.  Her and Brayden were jumping off the picnic table onto the air mattress."  "WHAT?!?!?"  After I got onto them, I realized Lucy was hurting so bad she wouldn't even move.  She just kept crying/whining saying her arm hurt.  I brought her upstairs to try to assess the situation and for over an hour she would randomly cry about it and would not move at all and wouldn't let go of her wrist.  After some contemplation and phone calls, we decided to go ahead and go to a doctor about 3 miles away (that just happened to have an x-ray machine) to get it checked out. 

From the time we called to the time we walked out it was less than an hour.  They were WONDERFUL!  As soon as we walked in they called us back to x-ray her and then the doc immediately came in.  He explained he saw no fractures or breaks but that the cartilage may be damaged and it was swollen and sprained.  He wrapped it up in her favorite color and sent us packing with extra supplies.  She was a trooper.  We were so glad it was just sprained and we didn't have to go to Knoxville to the hospital to be casted!  Lolli met Jay and I there and helped take care of Lucy. It doesn't matter how old I get, it always makes me feel better to have my mom there. :)

The loot we came home with...

Her hand all wrapped up....

After we got back from the doctor, we spent the afternoon on the couch watching a movie to let Lucy's wrist feel better.  Then Lolli and Karis went out to run some errands and ended up going ice skating with some friends while out so we took Brayden a 1/2 mile down the road to go bowling.

Uncle Matt

Me helping Lucy...

She got so excited every time she would knock one down it was so cute!

Aunt Jenna

Aunt Tiffany

Uncle Jon-Jon

Daddy and Lulu...

Jonathan and Jenna

Me and my man

Tiff and Matt

Brayden had a BALL!  He loved it but would get disappointed if he didn't knock them all down.  He didn't understand why he couldn't get a strike every time.

Here are randoms I dumped from my phone from the last couple of days I wanted to add also....

Oh and here is a pic Lolli took of Karis while she was ice skating tonight.  She has gotten so good at it and she has only been twice!!!

Vacation is almost over and we will be sad to go home.  But I intend to enjoy every last bit we have left!!!

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