Sunday, October 23, 2011

Our weekend...

Wow what a whirlwind of a weekend!  It was great but where did it go?  It went way faster than most weekends and I found myself needing a weekend from my weekend. Ya know what I mean?!

This pic was from Friday and I had to include it...such good buds!

Friday night Jay had a conference to go to so the kids and I loaded up and went to the grocery and to pick up Mari-Morgan to spend the night.  Just a side note...I have spent the past TWO Friday nights doing grocery shopping.  Sounds exciting huh?  To me it is better than going on Saturdays or a weeknight so it has just kinda happened that way.  Anywho....Mari-Morgan several weeks ago when we had Karis' bday party had to leave early and we promised her that we would have her over sometime separate and re-do the cookies just for her.  So that is what we did.  :)  The kids didn't mind "re-doing" them one bit!

Lucy eating her cookie....looks like she is doing a gangsta wave haha!

Then the girls made a pallet in the den and watched Heidi.  It is an OLD movie off of Netflix (like black and white old) but they still loved it.  The girls were SOOO sweet to include Lucy the whole time....right in between them. :)

The next morning, the girls went outside to play and even though it got warm that afternoon, it was COLD that morning.  They bundled up and made a pallet on the driveway...kinda random I know.  But I wasn't complaining!  I guess they were pretending to be camping.

They requested hot chocolate so hot chocolate they received.  :)

Lucy got smart and decided it was too cold outside so she came in with momma.  I didn't mind snuggling with this cutie patootie!  :)

All the while Brayden had NOT put his airplane down, except to charge it!

Obviously this was taken from my phone because Lucy had my real camera, but lately she has wanted to take pics like momma. So I have let her within reason (strap around her neck, mom supervising) take a picture here and there.  It is so funny to watch her because she starts turning it while she is taking a picture I guess like she has seen me doing.  It is so cute.

And then I find pictures on my camera like this haha.....

The girls came in to make books for each other.  They turned out really sweet.


I have said it before, but why do we even have toys?!?!?!  They don't play with them!

 Saturday afternoon, Jay got home from his conference and I went for my long run.  I went to a nearby lake/dam to run and ran the length of the dam back and forth.  It was 3 miles to the other side of the dam and back so I ran it 3 3/4 times.  I ran a total of ELEVEN miles...I have never run that before today.  I will say it was more of a consistent jog because it took me a little over 2 hours to finish.   The view was amazing...I felt like I was at the beach!

The dam....

It was a really peaceful place to run and I even saw about 10 deer!  I felt tired afterwards but was fine besides some aches and pains.  I got home and was cooking dinner and it hit me like a ton of bricks...ick!  It was like pregnancy de-ja-vu all over again.  I was TOO hungry so I was feeling sick and I knew I needed to eat something to feel better bu that made me feel sick too.  So Jay took over dinner and I went and crashed on the couch for a while and then eventually got up and bathed the kids, took a shower myself and then went to bed early.  It wore me slap out!

Here are some Sunday morning pics before church....

 We ended up meeting Jay for lunch at his conference, came home for all of us to take a quick nap and then went back that night and came home in time to go straight to bed.   It was a quick, busy weekend and I don't know where the time went.  But we enjoyed it!

Oh and hubs surprised me with this.... :)

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

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