I write to you today under some serious covers because it is COLD outside! Don't know where this came from but just a few days ago it was in the 80's and today it got down in the 40's. Brayden is playing outside now in gloves! It's been a busy few days around here so I have several days worth of pics to add....you know my trigger finger has been working!
Lolli got Karis this outfit recently because it is the same material to a shirt I have. She was so excited she wanted to wear it on Monday to school and was HAPPY to pose in some pictures. She even started posing for me haha! :)
Hazel got her second tooth this week! Yah!
Hugs all around!
Everett in one of his cute Halloween outfits. He looks like a little man here. :)
Karis getting her morning hugs...
Did I mention it's cold around here??? Even warm enough for boots and jackets. We were just wearing shorts THREE short days ago!
Trey with his big brown eyes :)
The other day Lucy wanted to wear her jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt (my usual wardrobe during the cold season!) and was so giddy when we dressed alike. Brayden took this pic of us in our "matching" outfits.
Axton loves Buzz and Woody and he put this Buzz toy of Brayden's on the other day and did not want to take it off to go home. He thought if he pushed one of those buttons and jumped, he would fly like Buzz. It was hilarious. He looks unhappy here but I assure you, he was in Buzz heaven!
The only reason he was upset is because he had to take it off!
Everett came in this morning in an adorable little hat...so cute!
Lucy "holding" Hazel in all her bedhead glory!
Brayden and Lucy both had friends over to play with today. Eli got to come play with Brayden and he is his "#1 friend" he says. They played a little Mario Kart...
And they even played outside some until they came in freezing! They even came in to get gloves and it was still cold!
Lucy had her best bud Story over to play and they played all things girly! There wasn't a moment that passed in the day when one or both of them wasn't carrying a baby doll. :)
Sweet friends :)
Haha funny face
Sweet Story Love
My Lulu
Story and Lucy (and their babies) got up in Jay's chair and watched Tangled. I think Story loved it as much as Lucy does!
Ok changing gears...I have to take a minute to brag on my hubby.
Last night, he had one of the biggest days of the year for his job/ministry. He hosted an annual meeting for our association (64 churches) and did a marvelous job. It was such a big deal that I got a babysitter so I could be there to support him and I was SOOOO proud of him. I do have to say that my husband is one of the Godliest men I have ever known and truly walks the walk. He is true to his word and is the same man on the inside that he claims to be outside. He is such an incredible leader but the best part is that he is SOOO humble. I love that God has blessed him with abilities, a heart of gold, a true passion for him, an ability with people AND a humility beyond what I have seen. I am truly blessed to walk through life with him. :)
This is our friend, and Jay's secretary, Mrs. Beth. She was awarded a plaque for her THIRTY years of service as the secretary of our association. That's dedication folks!
I love you babe and so proud of you! :)
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