Friday is finally here and I am looking forward to family time this weekend! Here's to wrapping up our week....
Karis working hard on her chores...
Today Brayden had his 5 year check up and was such a big boy! Jay took him and he said he was so proud of how big he acted. He did everything the doctor asked him to and didn't even cry when they pricked his finger. He did get two shots and cried but it was over before he knew it. He weighed 38 lbs. (25%) and was 42 inches tall (25%). His vision and hearing checked out perfect! :) The only concern was his asthma for the Fall and Winter but we have an asthma action plan to help control it better.
So proud of my big boy!
And here's Miss Priss in action...
And here are the peeps making a car race!
Looking forward to a great weekend including date night with the hubby, a 5k race and hopefully some relaxation too!
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