Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Playdates and more

 I am one tired momma today.  I feel like the past few nights I have had a newborn in the house again.  But not because I have any kid sick or wanting a cup, but because I have a potty trained 2 year old who REFUSES to go to the bathroom in her diaper or pull-up at night.  Granted during the day it is a no-no to go to the bathroom in your "big girl panties" but I am ok with having an accident in her sleep.  I mean she is still barely TWO.  However, she has woken up at least 2 times the last 2 nights because she is screaming, "Mommmm!  I have to go poooootty!"  And she does.  And her diaper/pull-up is dry.  I tried to convince her it is ok but apparently she just doesn't want to.  And she is REALLLLLY proud she is dry...even if it means us getting up twice a night to go potty.   So tonight, I am thinking about putting the little potty in her room and seeing how that works for us?!?! 

But this morning she had her 2nd playdate of the week.  Jay, on his way to work, was dropping her off  at her friend Story's house to play for the day.  She was THRILLED.  She had her backpack on an hour before it was time to go and insisted she would be a big girl, use her manners, go potty in the potty and not on the floor (thanks Lucy!), and take a nap when Mrs. Amy said to.  Here she is ready to go...backpack on, baby and cup in hand!

Her backpack was bigger than her ha!

The boys waving at Mr. Joe this morning out our window...

Brayden made me lunch!

This makes me laugh!

Wii time after lunch...check out Ax's face.  Looks as if he is going to pass out on the couch ha!  Somebody is (yawn) sleeeeepyyyy.  That makes TWO of us.

Brayden also had a surprise (to him) playdate today at Eli's house.  They came to get him after lunch and he was so excited when I told him where he was going.  :)

Ok so a few random things to include here.  First of all I saw this trailer for Pioneer Woman's new cooking show on the Food Network.  I don't hardly watch any TV these days but I think I will set my DVR for this one....

Also I saw this video on a friend's blog this morning.  I hope this is true for the iphone 5' cool!

1 comment :

  1. That is incredible! I've heard too many rumors...I hope that one is true!
