Thursday, June 2, 2011

Indoor swimming

Today me and my crew met Marybeth and her 3 kids Ellie, Ethan, and Eli, Whitney, Amy and her 2 kiddos Story and Meila and my mom met us there with Nick, Timmy and Emily at the Aquacenter.  It is a local indoor pool with cool water fountains and things for kids.  The kids all had a ball and we enjoyed the adult conversation.

Ethan and Eli, and sweet Meila too

Story and Lucy

Karis with the birthday girl Ellie (she turns 10 today!)

Emily and Lucy 

You think she might have been a LITTLE excited? Ha!

Check out this cool place!  On the other side of that brown wall, there is an olympic size pool with high dives.

See these?  Well the kids (the older ones Emily, Nick and Timmy) were trying to decide if they were going to do it or not and I opened my big mouth and told them if they did, I would too.   Guess what?  They jumped.  I had to also.  EEEEEK!

Yep that's me.  That scaredy cat holding her nose as she jumped!  But I survived and even enjoyed it just a tad!  But I didn't do it a second time!  Did I mention the water was SEVENTEEN FEET DEEP?!

Then my kiddos were going to jump off the diving board.  The lifeguard (he was a hoot!) just took Lucy from me and said come on, let's jump off.  She walked right over and he held her hand while she jumped.  He let her dip her body in and then pulled her back up.  I was panicking but she was so proud!

It was a fun day!  Afterwards, me and mom came back to my house and we ate dinner and then we ran together.  I mentioned that I started Couch to 5K this week but I didn't mention my mom started it that day too!  I am sooooo proud of her!  She is NOT a runner and swore she never would but she can do so much when she puts her mind to it!  She is on Weight Watchers and has lost 40 lbs. and works out everyday (elliptical, shred, and now Couch to 5K).  Even though I had already done my run for today with Marybeth and Whitney, I wanted to run with mom since she hadn't done hers today.  So we made it through it and I was so proud of her!  She's da bomb!  Yah we are almost through with week one!  Anybody else want to join us???

1 comment :

  1. You had great places where you lives. Fun day with friends and family is the best.
