Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day for my hubby!

Happy Father's Day to the most amazing man in the world!  My husband, Jay, is not only an incredible man but an even more incredible father to my 3 precious children.  He is such a humble, giving, loving, compassionate man of God and sets an incredible example of how to walk with God.  He seriously amazes me most days and inspires me to be a better wife and mom and to walk humbly with my God (as he does!).  

One thing that I truly love is how he loves each of my children differently according to their needs.  He often likes to take Brayden to do "boy" things such as fishing and baseball and it makes Brayden the happiest when he is doing those things with his dad.  He just glows!  Also, he loves to cuddle with Karis which she needs and loves.   There is just nothing like Daddy's cuddles!  He and Lucy love to rock and none other will do than for DADDY to rock her.  She won't even let's daddy's job!  He loves them all just as they are and loves them unconditionally...and they know it.

But the best thing he can do for them is to love me, their mother, and he certainly does that and does it very well!  

For Father's Day, we got Jay a grill extension (sorry don't really know what it is called!) for the grill he got a few months ago.  It is somewhat of a smaller grill that attaches to your main grill.  A smoker of sorts maybe?!  Whatever it's's what he wanted for Father's it's what he got!  It's his special day!

It attaches to the right side of this grill.....

 He knew what he was getting for Father's Day (picked it out actually) which is nice because I didn't have to do the guessing game as to what he wanted.  However, I do like to have a few surprises even if they are little.  So I let each of the kids pick out one thing to get him.  Below, Brayden bought him a new water bottle (for his running), Lucy bought him a new travel coffee mug, and Karis bought him a new candle for his bedside table.  :)  We cooked him breakfast and woke him up with these below...breakfast (and presents) in bed of course!!!

The 3 kids and Jay on Father's Day 2011!  My favorite people in the whole world!!!

Me and my kiddos

Oh and while I was cooking Jay breakfast this morning, Lucy came and stood in front of my camera and said, "Mom!  Take a picture of UCY (lucy)!"  So I couldn't upset her!  haha

We love you Jay and are so thankful the Lord gave us you!!! The kids and I are one lucky bunch!

Happy Father's Day!!!

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