Sunday, June 20, 2010

VBS Sunday

Our church is having VBS this week and it is actually the first VBS my kids have gone to because last year we had family in town the whole week and couldn't go.  They LOVED it and couldn't wait to go back to BBS (as Brayden calls it).  I am in charge of the pictures/slideshows this year and was lucky enough to be there to capture not only my own kids, but the other 40 there also.  It was a blast and hopefully we will have some come to know the Lord too!

The music is fabulous led by our worship pastor David Fields...who does a marvelous job as always!

Bible story time

Lovin' "BBS"...

Music time!

Art time...Karis loved this part!

Choo-Choo train...

Our youth pastor Clay...the kids LOVE him!

The two "little" boys...

Me and my babies...

Our pastor Brian and children's minister Liz issued a challenge with the offering...boys vs. girls.  Whoever gets the most, the opposite leader gets a pie in the face!  The kids loved this idea and talked about it all the way home!  Karis told me she wanted to bring her whole money jar (this is BIG for her) so that she can give it to those kids in Africa for school supplies because they can't afford it.  It melted our hearts to hear her say that!!!

Here is a short video clip I put together for Sunday night...
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