Friday, September 4, 2009

We're just using our imaginations...

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, (I update twitter which automatically updates my facebook), you know that last night my kids were entertaining themselves with a cardboard box. It is amazing that with all the toys they have, they choose to entertain themselves with other things. Anyhow, I digress.

They are still playing with that cardboard box and it has been many things. This morning it is a dog house, Jackson's dog house (our OUTSIDE black lab). Karis even drew a picture to put on the outside so we would know whose it was! They have taken turns being the dog. Notice in this first picture, Karis is stroking Brayden's head. Yes, that is because, he is Jackson at the moment and was even yelping like a dog. Yea.

Is there a resemblance??

Yep. Looks just like our black lab! (If it was little, red, cute, quiet or still) But other than that, yep, just like him!
Maybe we should have named him Clifford.

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