Today my baby turns 2 months old! She is growing so quickly and it makes me so sad! She is the best baby ever and such a delight!
Lucy, at 2 months old, you...
- weigh 11 lbs. 8 oz. and are in the 68% for weight
- are 22 1/2 in. long and are in the 65% for height
- sleep at night from 10-6 (or longer)
- eat every 3-4 hours during the day
- sleep on your stomach and sometimes just want to be put down so you can sleep
- love to swing (especially in the mornings)
- smile often and it is precious
- follow us with your eyes
- haven't laughed out loud yet but are really close
- love to sleep on daddy's chest
- have had your first cold
- enjoy bathtime
- wear size 2 diapers (and have since you left the hospital)
- get the hiccups almost every night
- have not had formula (except at night in the nursery when you were born)
- eat from a bottle about once a week
2 month checkup today...11 lbs. 8 oz. (68%) and 22 1/2 inches long (65%)
And those dreaded first shots...not fun!
Doc says we have a VERY healthy baby on our hands!
Here she is hangin' out with Uncle Matt and Aunt Tiffany
As you know, Lucy came out with a head full of hair and we could put a rubber band in it the day she was born. She even has a mullett in the back! SO I have been counting down the days to give her a hair cut at 2 months old. So today was the day! Check out this mullett...
The haircut...
Remember this mullett?
Mullett no more...we cut over an inch off! Of course I saved it and put it in her baby book.
okay so what is the trick? did your other babies do this? are you doing anything special? oh i pray our new one will sleep like this at two months and i pray she continues! (oh and its Joy, i didn't realize i was signed in under ben's name)