Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Desperate...all 3 of them

Due to this dreary, rainy week, all THREE of my kids are desperate....

Brayden is DESPERATE to go much as to fish in the bathtub!

Karis is DESPERATE for summer weather and much as to go swimming in this cooler that had about 6 inches of water in it....

And Baby #3 is DESPERATE to get out...he/she is WAY crowded and punching momma all over the place!

And if I need to mention it...momma is pretty DESPERATE too!  

SIX days and counting...and hopefully sunny weather will come sooner than that!  Does anyone else agree with me here?  This rain/cloudy weather is depressing!

1 comment :

  1. Better fishing in the bathtub than in the toilet, right?! =)
