Lucy is 3 weeks old today!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
We were all dying to get out of this house and since it wasn't raining today (shocker I know), we decided to go to the park for a playdate with Rachel and 3 kids, Mary Beth and 3 kids, Lori and Emma Kate, and me and my 3. The weather was gorgeous and the day was so fun.
Here Brayden is pouting that he can't ride this 4 wheeler down the slide...I must be such a mean mom!
Mary Beth and some of the kids watching the ducks.
Some of the girls on the "magic carpet"
Ethan, Emma Kate and Jack
All the kids minus Drew (not sure where he was) and Lucy (who hung out in the stroller sleeping the whole time).
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Prayer Request
Lolli left yesterday for a mission trip in Guatemala, preceding her team which leaves today. She left early along with 2 others to prepare food for the team and get settled before they arrive. My brother Matt and his wife Tiffany will join the group arriving today. Mom arrived safely yesterday and we have talked with her even this morning when she called to tell us that there was an earthquake there this morning (which she slept through). But the 2 others that were there with her awoke to their beds rattling across the floor. The 7.2 magnitude earthquake actually happened about 200 miles away but shakes were still felt. Please pray that they remain safe and that the Lord will continue His plan for the team throughout the week. This was not a surprise to our God and I believe He is going to do amazing things through them.
Click HERE for a news link about the earthquake.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Uncle Allen is off to Knoxville!
Today Uncle Allen heads off to Knoxville for the month to take a summer class. He will then return for the month of July and return to Knoxville in the Fall. He is majoring in Architecture and will do SUCH a great job. It has always been his dream and he is finally fulfilling it! We are so proud of you and will miss you terribly. It will be a long month and can't wait to see you when you return!
Uncle Al with the 2 big kids
Uncle Al with Lucy
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lucy's 2 week check-up
Lucy had her 2 week check-up today and we found out she is quite the healthy little chunk of sweetness. She weighed 9 lbs. 13 oz. and is 21 1/2 inches long. She is in the 90% percentile for height and weight! I have always had little roly poly babies but she tops all of them! We are loving the rolls in those legs and and those fat cheeks! I love me some chunky babies!!!
Proud brother and sister
It reads 9.8 but once converted, she weighs 9 lbs. 13 oz.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Newborn pictures of Lucy
I gave you a preview about a week ago of Lucy's newborn pictures and we have some more to share with you. Our friends and incredible photographers, Todd and Tara, took them and they always do an amazing job! Lucy was the ripe old age of 5 days old when these were taken...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day with the family
Lolli came to spend Saturday night with us because it had been several days since she had seen Lucy and she was dying to see her. We always love for her to come and hang out with us. This is one of her favorite things to do...
My two girls
Lolli offered this morning to stay here with Lucy so that I could go to church. I have basically been quarantined to my house for 2 weeks and I was starting to get cabin fever! I was ecstatic about getting out although those first couple of times away from my newborn are sentimental too. I went of course and had a wonderful time. It was such a refresher for me, and the Lord and I had a divine appointment. He spoke to me so clearly and I was convicted about my prayer life. Is my time with HIM duty or worship? I am so sad to say that often times I do have the wrong attitude. Was it something to cross of my checklist because it was something I was suppose to do or do I spend time with him because I adore him and desire to truly worship? It was just the refreshment I needed! Thanks Lolli!
Tonight we had a family get together at my house because most of my family is either coming back in town or leaving on a mission trip or other trip here in a week's time. Jonathan went to Brazil this last week and was just returning home. My mom, brother Matt and his wife Tiffany are all leaving to go on a mission trip to Guatemala this coming Wednesday and Allen is also leaving on Wednesday to move to Knoxville to go to school. He has a summer class and then will return for a few weeks before he goes back in the Fall. So we had some good family time celebrating it all! Allen was also babysitting some friends' kids (our photographer friend Todd and Tara) and they got to come over and play also. My kids were sooo excited!
This is their little girl Quinn who loved playing with my jewelry. She is such a cuddle bug and we took turns cuddling her. She is so sweet!
The big kids from L to R: Cannon, Brayden (who are 2 weeks apart), Aiden, and Karis
My brother Matt and his wife Tiffany holding Lucy..they look like such naturals! They need one of their own (someday)!!! Tiffany just got over 10 inches cut off of her hair for LOCKS OF LOVE and her new haircut is so cute!
How precious!
Everyone eating cake celebrating Tiffany's graduation of Union and entrance into Pharmacy school in the fall...
Uncle Matt and Lucy
Cannon, Karis and Quinn
Mom spoiling Lucy :)
Such a fun day! Please pray for mom, Matt and Tiffany as they leave for Guatemala on Wednesday. Pray that the Lord would use them for His glory and that they would be forever changed by what He will do through them on this trip. Also pray for their safety.
Lucy is 2 weeks old!
I can't believe it has already been 2 weeks since Lucy joined us! I have forgotten what it was like without her already (other than I know I got more sleep!). She is such a great baby it really hasn't been much of an adjustment. She only cries when she is hungry or going to sleep (I have always let mine cry themselves to sleep...and they have always been GREAT sleepers.) She usually cries for about 10 minutes and then she falls asleep. She eats like a champ and is such a calm baby! Going from 1 to 2 kids was much harder than 2 to 3! I have her on a schedule and can predict her pretty well.
Lucy, at 2 weeks your schedule is as follows:
10:30 p.m. You eat your last feeding of the day and then we go straight to bed. You cry for a few minutes and then sleep your long stretch of the night (5 hours).
3:30 Middle of the night feeding...we are up for about 30-40 minutes and you always go right back to sleep without even crying...and I do too!
6:30 We get up for the morning. You eat and then are usually wide awake at this time. I put you in the swing and you hang out for a while eventually falling asleep for a small cat nap.
9:30 Eat again and then I give you your bath. I love to snuggle with you because you are always smelling so yummy and fresh. You usually are really sleepy at this point and sleep in your bed for about 4 hours or so.
1:30 Eat again and we play and then you nap
4:30 Eat again
7:30 Eat AGAIN and then you go to bed until I usually have to wake you up for the 10:30 feeding.
Lucy at 2 weeks
Friday, May 22, 2009
Today is Lucy's due date!
Today is my official due date and I am SOOO glad I didn't make it until today. Lucy was born 12 days ago weighing 9 lbs. 2 oz. and VERY healthy (check out those cheeks!). If my body had waited until today to give birth, she would probably be well over 10 lbs. WHEW!
We are almost 2 weeks post birth and I am getting around almost normal just with a little soreness. She is a GREAT baby...easier than my other two. She nurses great, is a very calm, only eats once a night and I have been able to get her on a great and predictable schedule. Adjusting to 3 has not been hard at all and we are SOOO blessed that God has given us 3 healthy children. Lucy is the complete package for our family of 5. Since she is our last, I am trying to not rush anything and enjoy every minute of this stage of life. I feel so blessed and grateful and I wouldn't trade any part of this.
Thank you Lord for your continued blessings and timely provisions. He indeed is faithful!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Visit from Nonnie and Pop-Pop
Nonnie and Pop-Pop came to visit the other night and stayed a couple of days to hang out with (and spoil) little Lucy and Karis and Brayden also. It was so much fun and they were such a big help to me especially with the older kids. Below are some pics from the couple of days they were here to visit.
Karis "helping" me with baby Lucy
Pop-Pop lovin' on Lucy
Lucy surrenders!
Nonnie and Pop-Pop took the kids fishing and Jay caught the only fish of the night and the kids are admiring it...
Nonnie gettin' her snuggles on...
Karis helping Nonnie make homemade biscuits for breakfast...
Aunt Jessie and Lucy
We are honored to introduce you to GRANDMOTHER LUCY who our Lucy is named after. This picture below is their first encounter with one another. Grandmother Lucy is Jay's grandmother and she is an incredibly humble servant and such a wonderful role model for us ladies in the family. I admire her so much and hope that one day I can be half the woman that she is. She mentioned that she has never liked her name but now she is liking it alot more! :)
Paige came over to get her Lucy "fix" because she said she was having withdrawals! haha She brought her mom also so it was fun getting to see her as well!
Paige's mom Lou
Big (Wise) Lucy and little Lucy
My sweet angel
Nonnie and Pop-Pop took the kids to the playground...
Here they are playing drive-thru. Karis is working and Nonnie is the customer. :)
Brayden is now working the window...
Nonnie and my 3 kids ( sounds so weird to say that...I have three kids! Oh my!)
Nonnie and Lucy
4 generations Grandmother, Nonnie, Jay, and the 3 kids
Such a fun visit...looking forward to the next one!
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