Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all you ladies out there…the ones who have birthed children, who have miscarried, who have given children up for adoption or adopted themselves, and to those whose mommas aren't around to celebrate with you.  I always think on this day of those who celebrate today AND those that mourn.  I understand it's a hard day for some and for those I am sorry.  Here is a great article written just for this….click HERE.

Motherhood is hard.  It's the hardest job around and I fail miserably.  But thankful for the joy that children bring and the blessing they are.  I honestly could not imagine my life without them!  AND because of that, as a mommy myself, I appreciate my mother more than I ever did before.  I am so thankful for her sacrifices, her untold struggles, her little sleep and love each day.  I am thankful she is not only a mother to me and my brothers, but to many others that didn't have a mom to love on them.  She is indeed a jewel and I am so thankful for her!

Even better than that, she is an amazing LOLLI to these three and to the cousins!  They love her soooo!

So thankful for this lady my mom and best friend!

And I am SOOOO grateful for Jay's mom who gave unselfishly to give him a wonderful home, a home that loves and supports him and raises him to love the Lord.  He is a wonderful man and I owe it to his mom and the Lord!  I will forever be grateful to her and love her so much!

And she too is a wonderful NONNIE and these three adore her! 

And Happy Mother's Day to my sweet sis-n-laws!!!

Throwback to last year's Mother's Day 2013….

This year's Mother's Day is different and I am sad to be away from our moms today.  But thankful for Skype and FaceTime and getting to hug my momma's neck in just 4 weeks!!!!

This year in lieu of cards, I wanted a book started that could share thoughts and I can see how the kids grow from year to year.  I absolutely loved it and it brought tears to my eyes!  I also got this lovely plant…let's just hope I can keep it alive!

Lucy's gift to me for Mother's Day (with a little help from Karis)….

I got coffee in bed and breakfast made for me...

We relaxed a bit and then went out to lunch to one of our favorite restaurants.

And when they found out it was Lucy's birthday yesterday she got treats and a balloon, with more balloons for the others to follow.

Then we went to the park so Lucy could practice with her new skates….

Ended the day with NO cooking and family worship.  Thanking God for the good days, the hard days and for the opportunity to be entrusted with three little lives to watch, care for, and teach.

Happy Mother's Day!

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