Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lucy's date with daddy

We try to spend one-on-one time with our kids occasionally because we feel like it makes them feel special and it is memories none of us will ever forget.  Living overseas with lack of family around constantly, we feel it necessary especially here.  Today was Lucy's date with daddy!  She dressed up in her pretty pink sweater, curled her hair (well I did) and I even let her put on a little makeup to look pretty for daddy (lip gloss and blush) and she was twirling in excitement anticipating what daddy had planned for her!

On the elevator daddy took this.  She was a little excited about her date!

Daddy took her to the local store where she had been eyeing this tea set and bought it for her.  Then he brought her home to have a very girly, classy tea party.  AND she told me she got to put LOTS of sugar in her tea (which mommy doesn't let her do!) and then they spent special time at home just the two of them.  She was beaming by the time we got home.  She has had a special bond with dad ever since...amazing what special time will do especially between dads and daughters!

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