Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bike ramps and Easter eggs

Happy 29th Anniversary to two of my favorite people who happen to be my in-laws!  Love you two and hope you have a special day!

Here is our Sunday morning pic as we ran out the door...

After the shower on Sunday afternoon, the weather was pretty so the kids and I played outside for a while. Jay had built this ramp out of extra supplies he had in the shed and Brayden spent most of the afternoon jumping it.  He kept saying, "Mom take a picture of THIS one and put it on the blog!" haha He knows me well!

This one makes me tellin'!

Then after dinner, we finally got around to dyeing our Easter eggs.  The kids love doing this every year and were so excited!

Excuse Lucy's mouth she still had ketchup on it from dinner ha!

It was a busy but fun weekend!

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