Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday tornadoes

While we awaited the storms today, I CHOSE to not think about or watch the t.v. and let my hubby do all of that.  I love when he is home and I don't have to watch the news, just go in the closet when he tells me we need to.  He knows my fear of tornadoes and storms so I get less stressed that way.   I am so thankful he is such a good protector for our family!

So I stayed super busy and cooked some yummy, healthy fajitas.  They were a hit and liked by all.

Oh today Karis got her final report card and got all S's and pluses all year (the best you can get in Kindergarten)!  AND she never pulled a banana all year either (behavior system)!Yah Karis!!!  

I was also so proud of this!!!  You go Karis!

Karis drew this tonight and then showed it to me...

Yes it is a tornado hitting our house with the shingles on the ground.  But you turn it to the other side (before Lucy drew all over it) and you will see a hand print.  She told me it was God's hand that was bigger than the tornado or our house.  She said God was protecting us. :)  Love her little heart.

SOOOO thankful the storms weren't bad at all.  We did go to the closet for about 45 minutes (and Ax, Brandon and Destin joined us) so the kids just thought it was party!  They were so wild it was like we had pumped caffeine straight into their veins haha!  The storms passed and the kiddos went to bed while Jay and I watched American Idol!  GO LAUREN!

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