We all witnessed something incredible yesterday.....LUCY TOOK HER FIRST STEP!!! Woohoo! She has been standing up for a while now and we knew the steps were coming soon. We were all in the kitchen and Jay let go of her hands and she took one step towards him. She did do it one other time also. She isn't anywhere near walking, but I had to document the first step. Go Lulu!
That's my boy! #3 was one of his daddy's numbers when he played baseball!
On a side note, Brayden dressed himself today. Can you tell? Hey, you gotta start somewhere! I am just thankful he had clothes on. He REALLY likes to be in just his underwear! (Oh and you can't tell but his pants are on backwards too.)
Lucy has a thing for the refrigerator lately. If it is open, she tries to get there as fast as possible. Yesterday I was trying to cook when I noticed the frig wasn't closed. I took a closer look...zoom in.
Lucy had climbed up in there and was helping herself to some carrots!
(And NO I didn't let her bite any off and eat it...but she sure wanted to! And she was NOT happy when I took it away from her!)
I have had a blog now since 2006 and we have lots of memories that are out there in cyberspace but I finally started putting them in book form. I ordered my first one from Blog2Print last week and got it in the mail recently and I LOVED it! This particular one is from Jan.-Jun 2008 and I loved getting to go back and read little things that the kids did or said that I had forgotten about! It made me thankful that I had been blogging all this time so that I could remember all those little cute things kids do as they grow up. Someday we will all read these together and laugh!
Yesterday was just one of THOSE days. We had alot going on, it was cleaning day and the kids were just having an off day. You know...the complaining, arguing, whining kind. Nothing was done the first time they were told and that is a no no around here. And THAT made for a bad day for mom. So I was frustrated when I walked in to see this.....
I thought they were fighting and wrestling. But when I said, "Yall be sweet to each other!!!!" They replied, "We are hugging momma!" I felt bad and quickly apologized. They were rolling around like they were wrestling but they kept telling each other they loved each other and then kissing on the cheek. Although they do fight and argue just like brothers and sisters do, they do love each other and play well together (most of the time) and I am very thankful!
The next 2 days will be so busy and sooo exciting! My baby brother Jonathan is getting hitched tomorrow night!!!! We are all thrilled and excited about the big day! Lots of pictures will be coming soon don't worry haha!
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