Saturday, January 2, 2010

End of Gatlinburg Vacation

Well our trip is coming to a close and there are only a few days left and then back to the real world. For New Year's Eve, Jay's parents, Nonnie and Pop-Pop came to join us as well as my sis-in-laws parents from Nashville. We decided to stick around the cabin for the evening and enjoy one another's company. We had a yummy BBQ dinner and played games until midnight. We were an hour ahead there and we still barely made it until midnight. After the ball dropped we were out in about 2 minutes (yes we are old). Some didn't even make it 'til then but I won't be naming names (cough cough).

Pop playing tent with the kids

I have no idea...

New Years Day we ate a yummy breakfast (all 15 of us staying there) and then headed over to the ski resort in Gatlinburg. After the 2 hours it took to stand in line and get up there, we finally got to the top of a mountain where it was snow was gorgeous. We watched people ski (we didn't), ate lunch and went ice skating. It was a fun day and a perfect way to end our time in G'burg.

Uncle Matt and Lulu

Waiting 2 hours in line...Lucy with her Pop and Pop-Pop...I am sure she wasn't getting ANY attention here for sure haha!

Giving lots of kisses...(and slobbery ones too)

Karis, Brayden, Allen, Jonathan, Jenna, Matt, Tiff and I all ice skated which I haven't done in years! Good thing I was going slow trying to teach the kids because I was a little rusty myself! It was a blast and something the kids will probably never forget.

Thank goodness I had some of her Uncles to help me out because all of our arms were getting so tired from holding her up like this so she wouldn't fall....

Yes she was glued to the side rail or one of us the ENTIRE time!

Waiting in line to get back on the Sky Tram to get back down... (it was FREEZING!)

The next morning (the day we were leaving) we woke up to SNOW! It was gorgeous!!!!

We decided to split up the trip and stay in Nashville for a night. This is at Rainforest Cafe (my kids LOVE this restaurant) girl is getting so big!

My favorite people in the world :)

At our hotel in Nashville they had an inside pool and this hot tub outside. YES it was 20 degrees outside and they were in their swimsuits! I didn't join in that party!

I love this father, like son.
Vacation is over and we are so sad but glad to be home! Time to start planning next years...

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