Thursday, October 4, 2012

The day Karis turned EIGHT!

What a fun day celebrating my sweet girl turning EIGHT!  That's almost double digits folks and I am NOT ready for it!  I took this pic the night before her birthday...last night to tuck her in as a 7 year old!  SNIFF!

The next morning I cooked breakfast per her request her favorite bacon (turkey) and eggs and chocolate milk and of course she got to use our "special birthday plate."

She opened her gifts from our family.  Brayden and Lucy had picked her out a mood "K" necklace and Jay and I got her gift cards to go shopping to Justice and Claires (what she asked for).  She has definitely grown up when she is asking for gift cards instead of toys, things.  She loved them!

All ready to go to school to celebrate!

I was taking pics of her and Everett was already here and kept backing up like he knew he was supposed to sit there too for a picture.  So he got to get one with the birthday girl! :)

Karis (8), Brayden (6), and Lucy (3)

Me and my sweet girl....

Daddy with his princess

Jay and I went to eat lunch with Karis and Brayden at school and brought them Subway and of course cupcakes for the class.  

They sang happy birthday to her but she had to stand up and basically the whole 2nd grade sang to her. She was 10 shades of red when it was all over!  She was soooo embarrassed!!!

Birthday lunch....

Oh my word these two look alike in this picture.  People tell me all the time they look alike and I usually don't see it (other than they stand just alike!), but I think they look alike here...

She had just gotten off the bus and showed me what her teacher gave her at school....

That night for her birthday we went to her favorite restaurant, Sekisui (well really any Japanese hibachi restaurant) and she got to invite her best friend Mari-Morgan.  Lolli got to join us as well!

My kids do better than I do with chopsticks!

Their faces make me laugh!

And she got a complimentary dessert because it was her birthday!

They don't love Lolli at all...can you tell?! Ha!

My favorite people in the world!

Then she got to go shopping and spend her gift cards!  She was super thrilled about this!

MM gave her a Justice gift card too so she had $75 to Justice and $50 to Claires...who wouldn't love to go spend some "free" money?!  She spent almost all of it (saved $15 to Claires) and then the fun had to end.  :(  One last pic with her best friend...

This is her loot!  She got 5 shirts from Justice, makeup, a journal, hair color stick for the party, and nail stick-ons.  She was HAP-PY! :)  When I was tucking her into bed I asked her if she had had a great day and she said, "This has been the best birthday ever!  They just get better every year!"  Aw my sweet girl!!!!

I took a screen pic of my phone of several facebook messages just so she can look back one day and see how much she is loved!

Karis Taylor, I love you to the moon and back!  Can't wait to celebrate many more with you!!!!

I found Karis' diary about her day and thought I would post cute.

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