Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018 at Nonnie's

This Thanksgiving season has been a sweet one.  We have so much to be grateful for and we are counting our blessings!  Alot has changed since last Thanksgiving when we revealed to our families that we would likely be staying.  The Lord has been so faithful and provided a home that we could rent, friends that abound more than whatever we thought possible, a great 1st year of work for Jay, the kids adjusted back to public school and I am well on my way to getting my teaching license renewed.  We have enjoyed time with family over the year and certainly enjoyed being settled for a long while.  We have all grown leaps and bounds and the Lord has been faithful through every step!

Please click below for lots of fun pictures of Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Christmas tree decorating 2018

It is always so much fun and brings back so many memories when we pull out the ornaments to decorate the tree.  I love to reminisce and make memories with the family!

Each year we let everybody get a new ornament that represents that year for them somehow.  I chose a globe because we went to Ghana, Brayden chose Fortnite, Lucy chose a shoe for new clothes when transitioning to public school, Karis chose a crown for the year she was on Homecoming Court, and Jay chose an angel.  

Ice cream with the besties!

So thankful Karis has these girls in her life.  She had no idea what she was missing a year ago, but Jay and I prayed hard that this would happen.   Now she has the bestest of friends we could have ever imagined.  Blessing overflow!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Karis on Homecoming Court

What an honor that Karis got picked by her classmates to represent them on Homecoming Court this year.  It was shocking to her at first and she wasn't even sure what it was but after a while she understood and got excited.  It was such an honor!!!!!  

She looked beautiful!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Girls Pampering Day

I took the girls to get their nails done in preparation for Karis' Homecoming Court.  I love making memories with my girls!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Homecoming Nerd Day

Brayden decided to be a part of Nerd Day during Homecoming week and he was looking spiffy!  

I thought (as well as others) that he quite resembled our friend Ed Newton!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Happy 13th birthday Marianna!

Orphan 5K

Jay, Brayden and I participated in our church's Orphan 5K this year and it was a collllld day but so worth it.  Jay and I just walked it with some friends, but Brayden ran it in 30 minutes...his first ever 5K.  Jay even won 3rd place in his age group!!!!
Can't wait until next year!


Friday, November 9, 2018

Small group Christmas pajama party

I have loved having these girls in my small group this year and truly treasured seeing them  grow spiritually and do things they never thought possible.  God is so good!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Compassion Experience Memphis

When Compassion came to Memphis, we had to go!  We love Compassion and have worked with them for 16 years.  It was also a great experience for the kids!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Levi and Nathan's visit

Saturday, November 3, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018

Oak Ram Run

Lucy participated in a fundraiser at her school called the Ram Run.   They ran around the school for 30 minutes and with each lap they got a certain amount of money for the school.  I even got to run the last lap with her!  

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Our Compassion son Moses

We started sponsoring Moses when he was just 4 years old when Jay and I weren't even married yet.  We have watched him grow and exchanged letters for 16 years!  It has been a joy!