Friday, October 12, 2012

Brayden's first school field trip to Kidz Kountry!

Brayden had his first Kindergarten field trip today and I was thrilled to be able to get to go with him.  Jay was sweet to stay with the kiddos so I could go.  He said he knew I wanted to take pictures...he knows me well ha!  And that I did...didn't want to disappoint ya know?! :)

Turtle races...Brayden apparently got the slow one ha!

Brayden rode "cupcake"...

Milking a goat...he has done something I had never done!  AND I am thankful there weren't tons of questions following this!

The FATTEST pig I have ever seen!  Seriously, that's alot of bacon folks!

Singing a "donkey" song ha!

Brayden and his best friend from his class Michael...

Landon, Michael and Brayden

Love this boy!

I was walking in front of him and he said, "Mom here!"  I turned around to see him holding out a flower he had picked for me!  It was so sweet and melted my heart!

So thankful I was able to go and make those memories with my boy!  :)

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